Make Firefox’s Navigation Toolbar Font Larger

I recently switched back to using Firefox instead of Chrome due to Chrome’s unreliability from version to version, and discovered Firefox’s Navigation Bar default font size was smaller than what I was used to seeing with Chrome.

Here’s how you can change the navigation bar’s font size:

To modify the address bar font size, add the following line to the userChrome.css file

#urlbar {font-size: 14pt !important}

If Firefox is running, you’ll need to restart it to pick up the new font size. No doubt you’ll want to experiment with a few different sizes.

And here’s a link to find where your userChrome.css file is.


Secure your Windows 7 Welcome Screen Login & Require Control + Alt + Delete

Disabling the Windows 7 Welcome screen can provide an increase in security for logging into the computer, as someone who steals a laptop isn’t presented with a list of all possible users.

Unfortunately, you cannot hide the list of all users in Windows 7 Home Premium, but you can in Professional and above.

Disable the Display of All User Accounts on login

To increase login security, you can also force the user to press CTRL+ALT+DEL  like older Windows versions required.

Enable Control + Alt + Delete for Windows 7 or Vista

This link also listed a couple other registry settings that I have not tried yet, but will soon.