Google’s “Wifi Location Opt-Out” policy is horrible and flawed.

In one of my previous posts, I wrote how Google and other companies are tracking our locations via Wifi routers. In order to do that, these company must have a database that stores all of the wifi routers it can find, and their locations.

Google FINALLY just introduced a way to remove your router from their system, however their method is ridiculous, and here’s why.

Reason #1: The “removal method” is so bothersome, most users won’t use it.

Continue reading Google’s “Wifi Location Opt-Out” policy is horrible and flawed.

A Fix for Google’s GMail HTML Signatures Not Showing up in your Settings

So Google hasn’t ironed all the kinks out yet for their help and support regarding the newly rolled out HTML Signatures, as this simple fix alluded the Google Support team for a week.

If you’re having trouble finding out why your GMail won’t show an HTML signature, try this:

Switch the Email Composer to Rich Formatting, instead of Plain Text.
1. Click compose mail
2. Click on “Rich formatting” (under Subject and just over the message textbox)
3. Go back to settings (no actual message has to be created, this is just to change that setting).

Why this isn’t simpler in the settings, I don’t know.