Fix Windows Phone 7/8 + Gmail “Attention Required” Error – WP8

If you’re getting this problem,it’s Google’s Fault, and not the Windows 7 / Windows 8 Phone’s.

Go to the following URL, put your password in and enter the captcha. This will solve the problem and let you use your Gmail account on your Windows Phone.

It seems to disable some captcha security setting on your Gmail Account. Use at your own risk, I don’t know what else it does.

Hey Google & Bing – STOP CHEATING. [Search with Yandex instead]

It seems these days that nobody in the US can build a decent search engine.

Just recently, I discovered that this site was no longer receiving traffic, so I looked and found something interesting.

Google has almost completely removed this site from their search results.

Search Google for “Jonathan Mumm” – this page used to be #3, now it’s not even in the top 10 pages!
The same search for Bing shows me at #1.

Why did that happen?  Great question and I haven’t been able to point to anything other than Google’s recent “Farmer Update.”

Continue reading Hey Google & Bing – STOP CHEATING. [Search with Yandex instead]